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These words describe my experience in finding God…

 I realized how the Supreme is always there waiting for us to call out to him in whatever situation in life we find ourselves in. In fact he becomes happy when we intensely wish to re-establish our relationship with him.

In my Bhakti faith, God's name is Krishna and he is all Love! This is why Krishna reciprocates with us according to our desire to sincerely connect with him. He is ever merciful and is always ready to forgive us “fallen fruits”.

Like Fallen Dry Fruit

There is a far away memory of the olden days,
when I felt like a fallen, dried up piece of fruit
on the most lowest plain of dusty dirt.

Idly waiting by for the seconds to take my life completely.
Life had a grey hue without a drop of nectar.
Where do I belong?
Not here. Not there. Not anywhere on this planet Earth.

Better to go back where I came from. Let's go! I'm ready.

Wait...where is that?
Where do I come from?
Wait...Who am I?

God, are you there?
Are you able to hear me up there?

“Yes, dear one, I hear you.
You remember me now.
How long it has been!”

O knower of everything, tell me why I'm here suffering
like a dead dry fruit.
How am I here on this hard and rough surface of the material
world. Take me where you are now.

“Dear child, you don't know your false desires brought you here
to enjoy mere illusions concocted by your own mind.
You try to control that which is already in control by me.
In the midst of this you become frustrated. You become pulled
into an endless entanglement inside a whirlpool of false dreams
 and smoked mirrors until you're sucked up dry like the fallen fruit
that you are now.”

“How do you enjoy without me?
Play with me and be my friend.
I will take care of you.
Surrender to my love and find eternal happiness within.
You are a brilliant soul part and parcel of my
divine being. Don’t wither any longer.
Be that which is what you truly are.”

O destroyer of false ego, I feel enlivened.
The nectar which falls from your mouth has filled
me with life giving juice again!
I understand you are the tree from which I come from.
I am your fruit to enjoy. I am yours, it's true!

“My dear, clean yourself up.
You've been playing in the mud of the world too long.
Wash up, be clean for me and come home soon, I will show you the way.
Hear my voice and nothing else. I'm waiting for you.”

My Krishna, you have showed me the path of devotion.
How can I ever be lost again?
I'll be home soon singing your glories along the way!
God Krishna and Goddess Radha, his Divine Feminine Counterpart

Maira De La Cruz: I was born in the U.S. in California. I am a lover of music, art, and literature. I follow the path of Bhakti. Bhakti can refer to a practice of yoga, a spiritual discipline meant to bring one to a state of pure love and devotion to the Supreme Person, God or Krishna. Having been inspired by visiting the Holy land of India, I am now pursuing a new found dream of sharing my art and poetry in hopes of initiating an awakening in others to their true consciousness. Most of my work is a compilation of personal experiences and inner realizations throughout my spiritual journey of self-discovery. My form of writing can be considered esoteric, off beat, and completely free flowing. It consists of “conversations” with God, myself, nature, and humanity at large. I see my writing as an offering to the Lord and in this way I wish to please him, his devotees, and anyone who happens to read them. You may connect with me on facebook here. 

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


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