This poem came out of the belly of my changing body as I reach toward menopause with tenuous, tentative hands… I want to resist, but we all know; that doesn't work. So I give in: Surrender to the softening of body while embracing the strengthening of wisdom that wells up from years of moving through life as deep, human and hearted as possible. This piece is a celebration of women, birth, aging, self, earth, death, sensuality, acceptance and full-on embrace for the inevitable changes along life's curvaceous road. My Rounding Womanly Body by Leslie Caplan My rounding womanly body moves through each veiled doorway and pierces light into the ancient Rounded Womanly Birthing brewing body holding earth embodied with eyes that ignite the awakened ones holding true to who they are Sensuous breathing steamy curvaceous bodies give life in oceans swallowing whole sea waters of wisdom aglow with ...
Women's Spiritual Poetry