Life and Death
by Kalindi Dinoffer
I walk the spiral path
stepping over
gnarled roots
and grassy patches
hand in hand
and Death
They are my friends
my guides
my teachers
Fraternal twins
dual sides
of the same
eternal wisdom
I smile and greet them
as old friends
friends I have shared walks with before
and will share walks with again
My friend death gets such a bad reputation
But who is death but the usher into life anew
And life the usher into death returned
Each meaningless without the other
So I smile and weep and laugh
Hand in hand
with my old friends
Life and Death
I walk and run and trip and fall
and sometimes collapse on the ground
and don't want to get up
And there my friends wait patiently
knowing they can only present lessons
on my walk
not force me to embrace and learn them
that it's my choice
but they'll never leave my side
whether I wish to acknowledge them or not.
Beautiful ty