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 This is a reflection on travel, in the many forms it takes...

Do you wander too, from your porch, or maybe across the world? Have you been doing this your whole life, or has your journey just begun? May we meet there, and share our stories.

A Star in the Universe
by Tammy T. Stone

This is the wall I write my story on,
through the tapestry of this, our heritage.
My palm, my barely-etched fingerprints
endowed with everything’s secrets
have trailed in sand and touched the clouds

(so who am I and what is the universe?)

Trained, I can see illness, health and
unbroken happiness with a quick scan of
bone and skin because everything large
folds into the smallest parts, because our hearts
are bound only by stories, and the heart wants
to see further than this. Look closely,

examine the little details for the most
beautiful portrait. And the other way around?
I know I am rippling through the universe,
but where can I see it? I can try to look inside;

I don’t know how to see my imprint in the stars.
I have to believe I’m there, where it’s shining,
because I know that I am here. I feel this.
Things move through me that leave me wondrous
and sometimes left behind. Lately it’s
somewhere in the middle, between things.
Old fears don't cling to me anymore, and

some of the great passions, too, have vanished.
I’m not sure what I need to create, or talk about.
But the stories still hold me in rapture.
I believe that to live a long, full life,
passion is necessary. Purpose is essential.
Maybe that’s what these travels have been about:

looking past this familiar archive and up to where
the stars, having given us their light, tread
gently into what lies next. Up there I can belong
to something other than myself. I can look up

and my gaze is reflected, every piece a refraction
of time, yes, my heart has been singing awhile now.
I hear the music and feel parts of my body
vibrating, not telling me what I should be doing

when all there is to do is be free.

Tammy T. Stone is a Canadian writer, photographer and chronicler of life as it passes through us. Always a wanderer, she's endlessly mesmerized by people, places and everything in between; the world is somehow so vast and so small. She feels so lucky to have been able to work, learn, live and travel far and wide, writing, photographing and wellness-practicing along the way. She invites you to see some of her recent photography here and to connect with her on her writer's pagetwitter and her blog, There’s No War in World, here.

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~


  1. I feel myself soaring and shining with you in your words dear Tammy,,,, be-ing outside with the stars and moons and planets each night, and they too live in my body, and as I sleep all the moons and galaxies play their beautiful games inside my body, tickling me and laughing.... and in the morning it is a loooooonnnnng way back to this earth plane world..... someday,,,, living and playing in all the universes all the time will feel eeezzz full and seam-less... in the meantime the constellations and deep dark sky offer me such comfort and hope.... love to you xoxoox

    1. Oh, thank you so much for these heart-soaring words!! I'm so happy my poem resonated with you! xxxxxx


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