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This poem was written in a blaze of creation…

It emerged during a silent hike through the majestic redwood forest of Northern California.  It's included in my 2nd poetry book Rebirth of Venus, along with many other poems celebrating the divine feminine mystery alive inside all things.  

Pictured is Jacqui Lalita

Wild Woman Creation Story

In a time outside of time, before the dawn of Adam and Eve
the spirit of Wild Woman was immaculately conceived...
Galactic gyrations and spirals of light gave Wild Woman
the gift of flight

She came as crashing thunder, pouring down the rain
and the Universe from this moment
would never be the same

Wild Woman parted her lips to sing and gave the birds their destined wings

Wild Woman shook her hips to dance and colored the world in a state of trance

The winds began to roll, the wolves began to howl and there upon her shoulder sat all-seeing totem owl

From bursting girth she gave birth to Earth
From her third eye came the sky
Such joy that the birds had found their home
inspired her to cry

She stirred her tears into a passionate potion that soon became wide open ocean
With outstretched arms she began to whirl and the spirit of dolphins came unfurled

Wild woman spread her legs laying embryos and crystal eggs
stones and bones, gushing rivers, vital livers
She shivered all the world alive amidst orgasmic quivers

The spirit of Shiva and Shakti simultaneously revealed
lush gardens exploding with fruits waiting to be unpeeled...

Wild Woman dreamed a mighty lion to guide the way to the land of Zion
She planted fields of corn and rice seeding ripe paradise

She was maiden, mother and wise old crone
who contained all mysteries to the great unknown
She came like thunder before the dawn of time
delivering the holy word in spellbound lyric rhyme

In a flash of light
Wild Woman appeared to set this Universe free
then she hid herself in the deepest depths
inside you and me.
Pictured is Jacqui Lalita

Jacqui Lalita travels the world teaching and performing devotional dance and sacred movement. She incorporates Oriental Dance, Romani Gypsy Dance, Sufi Whirling, Samba, Afro Brazilian, Odissi Indian temple Dance and Flamenco. She is the author of two books of poetry, Romancing the Divine and Rebirth of Venus available here.  The moon, plants, and furry creatures of our world continue to be her greatest teachers. Finding inspiration in deep bellied laughter, world music, homemade chocolate and wholesome foods, plants and herbal medicine, full moons, forests, oceans, mystic rivers and pure love soul gazes, Jacqui embodies a natural Venusian sensuality and exuberance, living each day in full celebration of the bountiful blessings all around and within. Connect with Jacqui via her website here, or find her on Facebook.

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


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