I've long been fascinated by
the role of the Guru in certain spiritual practices…
As I come from outside any eastern tradition. A few years ago, I found
myself experiencing first-hand how intense and challenging that Guru-Disciple
relationship can be, but also seeing the darker, shadow side of it.
This series of four poems are a reflection of both of those aspects –
the incredible love that a Guru can inspire as well the confusion and regret
felt by followers at times when they feel let down by their teacher.
The Guru
you demanded -
And I struggled,
Wriggling against invisible confines;
Only to find the fire
You lit in my heart
Melted all boundaries.
Surrender what? To whom?
I saw the
man -
Flashing through dark eyes;
A bolt of human longing,
So different to spirit’s flight.
Are you lonely, my love?
Have you glimpsed another way?
In which spirit and flesh can play?
stumble from your pedestal you did,
As all around they stood aghast.
But how could you resist,
In your need,
The lavish, open, feast,
Spread before you
But not yours to eat?
So like a guilty schoolboy
You crept behind backs,
Tasting here and there,
Hoping the little misdemeanor
Would go unnoticed.
Until, standing back, you saw clear,
The full scale ravishment laid bare.
Fallen Guru 2
Oh my sweet lord!
Was love so hard to come by
That you stooped so low?
With dignity you could have asked, and got,
So much sweetness to hold.
Could you not trust?
Or was forbidden fruit your goal?
Freya Watson: Author, lover, mother, mystic... I have feet in so many worlds but see all of them as sacred and I have long had a fascination with plumbing the depths of love, life and relationships – and with seeing women live from a place of true inner empowerment. My books are on Amazon and I'm a regular contributor on Elephant Journal. I live and write in the peace of the Irish countryside, where I share space and time with three energetic daughters and my partner, though I consider myself a citizen of the world. Connect with me via my Facebook page.
~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~
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