I awoke one night and began doing a Sufi practice of Remembering God. At one point I had the experience that I did not exist, so who was praying? Fear came into me with this thought and I went into my son's room, woke him up and said, "I just need to make contact real quick then you can go back to sleep." I have learned fear in this situation is a Mercy from God in that we are protected from expansions for which we are not ready. I turn to the stories of the Prophets and the teachers for inspiration and those influences usually appear in my work. Now, when I meet that place of not existing I am able to breathe into the experience with a little more grace. Opportunities to Efface My Fear In facing fear we should remind ourselves that even Prophets cannot face the Holy Fear [1] of standing before the One who causes mountains to crumble [2] . In the silence of night, ...
Women's Spiritual Poetry