Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project!
For the first time in 12 years,
(Please check in with us again this summer.)
Our intention for this project is to create a welcoming space where women (those who use she/her pronouns) can express themselves freely, as they learn to release their voices through the writing and sharing of poetry that inspires the spirit to soar!
you are interested in sharing your voice with our readers, please follow these three simple guidelines:
1) Include three of your poems directly in the body of the e-mail, or as an attached Word document. (We accept poems that have been previously published, with proper reference, so long as there is at least a month's gap between publication dates.)
2) Include a short (Approximately 150 words) biographical sketch of yourself, along with a headshot
3) Please e-mail your submission to catherine@secretyoga.com.
We welcome the work of emerging poets, alongside more accomplished ones. You need not be previously published to participate in this project. Here, we offer a safe space in which women's voices can shine and enter into inspiring dialogue with one another. We honor the uninhibited and free expression of our voices.
*All participants retain the copyrights to their work. Please allow for up to three months response time after submitting a poem. Thank you. We look forward tor reading your work!*
(Read more about JOTH here)
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