Rules There is a restless beauty in the winds of simple despair sands of time shatter no matter what age or time grab what wills you stamp out the cold fire of rules: those foolish things blocking creative forces always to be reckoned with. Safety never makes true things. Even in minds saturated with brilliance. Step differently- finding your gait, opening new worlds where you stand with love, out of reach of old monsters. Not fighting just stepping to the side where people live, knowing the difference in bones of fearless self-made lives. (This poem will appear in a posthumous collection of poetry to be published in 2022) Janavi Held (1965-2018) was a soulful dancer, artist, poet, photographer and yogini that was suddenly struck with an incurable illness in her forties, and spent the last five years of her life bedridden, writing poems. During that time, Janavi published her first poetry collection Letters to my Oldest Friend: A Book of Poetry and Photography ,
Women's Spiritual Poetry