How do you find yourself once you realize that you have become so deeply lost that you are ready to take that last breath: the one before you succumb to the tar-sands of fear and despair which are dragging you-ever so relentlessly-under? You dig deep, really deep, to find within yourself the understanding that only YOU have the power to let the past be released, in order to allow the present to heal, and the future to unfold with hope and trust as your soul journeys along through life's lessons. For me, the vision of that quagmire tar's grip as I slipped off the rock that I was desperately clinging to, still resonates and reminds me of the days past; not only of how helpless I felt, but more of how empowered I was slowly becoming during those initial gathering moments of strength. For it was in the struggle that i realized how strong my will was. "From the Earth" by Brooke Shaden ABOUT TO SUCCUMB...(a series of...
Women's Spiritual Poetry