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LOVE'S SWEET NECTAR by Jessica Mokrzyckl

There is something so holy and precious
 regarding the names of God…

Upon every tongue in every corner of the world vibrations in praise of a God who is universal rise up in devotion. 

The names might differ, but they are all directed towards the same reality: Recognition of the Eternal.

 I have found that in my case the names of God found in the maha-mantra draw my heart deeper into a realization of God and His infinite nature and begin to connect me to His love and towards the desire to serve and surrender to Him.

Like an arrow, my mantra has buried itself deep within me. 

 It's as if an underground spring of freshly flowing water from eternity itself has been struck and now passes through me, nourishing my parched soul with its transcendental nectar.  I wrote the following poem after I had chanted several rounds of my mantra on my japa mala beads and went outside to walk our border collie in the gently falling rain.

 I now no longer chanted but sang the names of God to whoever was around to hear: the neighbor's cat stalking moths and crickets across our back lawn, the trees with their outstretched arms glistening wet.

And it was as if my heart took flight and began dancing along with the raindrops that fell.

As they fell nourishing the earth something within me overflowed nourishing my soul. When I came inside I tried to put my thoughts and feelings in a poem and this is what was the result. I hope you enjoy it!

Love's Sweet Nectar

When love washes away all pain,
When knowing God is your only gain,
When His mercy removes illusion's stain;
Your soul learns to dance with the rain.

There is no greater feeling than This-
Being held by the hands of Eternal Bliss.
The nectar is so sweet to taste,
You run into His arms in all haste.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

When he holds you in His hands
And whispers to you of greater lands;
Those woven by His higher energy
Where from the material one is finally free.

When He says, yes this child is mine,
And His peace washes over you sublime;
Your inner heart kneels before His presence within,
The mundane becomes just background din.

True freedom is conceived from a soul who surrenders,
To hearts devoted to Him, His Mercy He renders.
Everything we need is in His holy names
They lead us back to Him from where we first came.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare

Jessica Mokrzyckl: "I am a mother of two beautiful children and have been married for almost ten years now. I seek the truth into my own nature and that of God's and explore my experiences and reflections on a regular basis on my blog Ascending The Hills. I have found a lot of inspiration and direction from the Bhagavad Gita and other Vedic scriptures and have found that chanting has been an invaluable spiritual practice that I engage in daily."You may contact me via my facebook page here. 

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~


  1. This poem has such an enthusiastic and uplifting feeling to it, Jessica! Your joy in it seems to be contagious, as after i read it I was left with a joyful spirit. It is always extra sweet for me to see souls develop such an intimate relationship with Divinity, as the one you describe in your poem. You had me from the first line: "When love washes away all pain..." A very inviting start! I look forward to featuring more of your poetry in the future. And welcome!

  2. Thank you so much Krishna Kanti Dasi for your kind words towards my poem! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! I feel very honored to be able to add my poems to the wonderful collection on this site. I've been visiting it for months now after a friend suggested it and have been inspired by so much of what I've read here from so many wonderful poets! Thanks so much again.
    ~ blessings and love~

  3. Beautiful and sincere. I love how you connect with nature and become a walking meditation.

  4. I remember this poem, Jessica. It is just as lovely and moving to read now as it was then. Blessings!

  5. Deeply inspiring and spiritual...especially coming from a woman with conviction and great beliefs. I'm so proud of you sis!


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