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SHE IS GODDESS by Cairenn Rhys

During a troubled time when I needed protection and guidance...

Art by Adara Rosalie

...I called for the highest and most experienced goddess to assist me.

One day as I was walking, the Triple Goddess - Morrighan, The Raven Queen - came to my side. I had never had an encounter with her before, yet I knew it was she instantly. 

Never have I felt stronger to overcome the obstacles than when she appeared and remained until all was well. She is a pillar of strength for women, and her essence lingers to remind us of the Goddess within.  

My poem is a tribute to her, and it was written one cool, summer evening when all was calm, just after a final battle as written in my spiritual journal, "Warrior of the Deepsake". 

She Is Goddess

Gray pavement scrolls...

Woman in black,

the breeze wisps her raven hair

as a black cloth stealth

with invisible force,

it arrives at her feet…
Cloak has arrived.
With spindly fingers and blackened tips,

adorned hands in fluid movement,

she foresees the healed wounds of the future

and the eyes of those who shall bring them.

As the wind becomes stronger

Sadness, tears wiped away,

she falls backward

bursting into a hundred crows,

taking flight…
Woman is now tripled.
The first shoots a glance and walks away,

The second stands strong, leads you with her eyes,

The third crumples upon the ground before you.

United together as one.
She is the Crow that flies overhead,

stirring in perfect time and motion,

swimming the atmosphere with Cloak as her wing-fin

which holds her steady above the Earth,

as she gazes down at her Other Self,
descending to join it upon the ground…

She is the Black Dog below,

running of Faithfulness and Protection,

gentle yet feared,

with silken coat and sleek form,

keen eyes,
and the sixth scent
with which she uses to inhale the Truth.

Black Dog halts …

watches Crow above,

the path that they must follow now shared.

Their sky grows dark,

forces brewing within the clouds…

Morphing into their authentic Self,

the Crow lands softly,

the Black Dog becomes liquid,
seeping into those adorned hands
of the Woman
laid waiting upon the ground.

With Stars fiery and Moon blue

an illumination of this ceremony,

and upon her hand a symbol…

Beginning, Duration, then Dissolution.
Her body rises in Triple once again…
She is Goddess.

© 2011 Cairenn Rhys

from the book, "Warrior of the Deepsake"

~'Fata Morgana' digital art by Greg Staples~
(Image submitted by author)

  Cairenn Rhys, Spiritual Author & Poetess, has been writing for 30 years. She is also an Animal Reiki Practitioner. Her other creative pursuits include painting, photography and graphic design. She enjoys hiking, walking and yoga. Donations received through her website benefit numerous animal shelters & wildlife conservation organizations, and all links to contacting her can be found at her website here. Her book "Warrior of the Deepsake-Journal of a Spiritual Warrior" can be found on Amazon here. Or connect with her on facebook here

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~  


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