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SURRENDER by Mary McManus

Last Spring I was sitting in my yard in meditation...

 I watched a monarch butterfly dancing on the lawn and felt an amazing connection to this beautiful creature. She invited me to contemplate my journey of transformation as I had set out on an adventure to heal my life.

Just as the caterpillar has to die to be transformed, I experienced a death of my old ways, my old habits, of fear and of living in the shadow of myself afraid to express and experience the fullness of my Being. I was touched by grace and found amazing healers and teachers flow into my life once I set my intention to heal.

On my yoga mat, I express the fullness of my transformation living in the present moment leaving behind all that went before dancing with the butterfly the Divine dance of mystery and sacredness.

by Mary McManus

No longer living life in retreat
hiding in the bunker
cowering, quivering, shivering
mustering courage
waving the white flag
a magnet for the light.

Pain pulsating
wringing out fear from every cell
space for love
exchange of love
end to torment of sleepless nights
tortured twisted thoughts
move forward….

plodding along on diminutive legs unnoticed
steadily stealthily moving forward in its journey
fulfilling its destiny in the Divine Plan
the caterpillar surrenders.

Weaving its temporary tomb entering the darkness
time suspended in the tomb womb
no choice but to be
just be as the mystery unfolds.

Relinquishing old ways
appendages absorb absolve
disquieting discomfort
unsettling uncertainty
seemingly never ending suspense


the beauty moment of freedom arrives

lighting on the lawn
wings flapping
she invites me to celebrate
warming sun
buds on trees
winter darkness a distant memory.

Orange and black bespeckled
bejeweled with Divine Love
glistening in all her glory---

Come dance with me
on my mat I move with the majesty of the monarch
I rise to salute the sun
open grateful heart
relishing freedom.

(This poem was originally published from Songs of Freedom: Poems From a Healing Odyssey Volume II: Seasons of the Soul available on Amazon with Volume I: Elements of Healing)
Photography by Heather Evans Smith

Mary McManus poet, blogger, and yogini left her award winning career as a social worker at the Department of Veterans Affairs in May 2007 to heal her own life. During the dark night of her soul she began to express herself through poetry. Her pen became a divining rod for healing, light, love, hope, possibility, health and wholeness. Her journey of transformation took her to the finish line of the 2009 Boston Marathon and, in 2011, to her yoga mat. Mary holds a BS in Public Relations from Boston University and an MSW from Boston College. In January 2013, Mary graduated South Boston Yoga's 200 hour Body Awakening Teacher Training Program. Be sure to visit her website here and follow her inspirational blog here Mary's books of poetry are available on Amazon here.

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


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