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INEVITABLE by Shakti Karlynn Howeth

This song was inspired by all of the teachings that uplift my heart…

 And all of the Beings who have shared theirs with me!  Music is a powerful medium for healing and change and I have always been interested in sound therapy as well as the pure joy of melody and vibration.

Artwork by Shakti Howeth
Since a song carves a groove in the mind, I am always looking for the right carving tools for mine.  Inspired by concepts such as "The Law of Attraction", "Ho'oponopono" and Mantra repetition I have created something that is both personal (and hopefully) Universal.  

This recording is something like a page out of my sketchbook in the sense that it will continue to evolve and improve, but I wanted to get the seed of it out as soon as possible for sharing and receiving energetic feedback.  I set my intention, performed a little ritual and made the recording at home.  Singing, guitar, two different drums and a tambourine later I had the components for "Inevitable".  (I decided to omit any digital samples from this track).  

The main message is that all good things are inevitable.  It may not be everyone's experience at this time, but I would like to hold space to manifest the vision of all of us feeling exactly what we want to feel.  Thank you for being a part of this musical conversation!
(Listen to Shakti's sing her song by clicking orange button below)


This is not a love spell

Not like other times when I chose to fall

I am on my feet now

And I am complete now

Grateful for the lessons I have earned

Grateful for the scars from which I’ve learned

This is not a love spell
Playing with Black Magic

In that Dark Night of the Soul

I saw
Infinite options 
Infinite paths

Infinite wonders

In it I asked

Infinite questions ravenously

Infinite answers permeate me

Shifting occurs and paradigms fall

Out of my heart the infinite call

Infinite Love and infinite Peace

Infinite Silence setting me free.

Standing on the brink now

Looking at the stars

Listening to the echo

Of your lyrics in my mind

Knowing we are leaving

All that time and space behind

Never need to miss you

Never need to feel apart again.

You helped me see the Truth in me

Within my name there is the Key

We’re all the same

We’re Energy

We’re all in Love with Everything

And all the Bliss we need to feel

And all the Love we need to heal

And every wish our Hearts have made

Our deepest dreams

Our Souls create.

It’s inevitable

It’s inevitable

It is

It’s inevitable

It’s inevitable


It is
Breathe in the Medicine

Breathe in the Change

Exhale Gratitude

Transmute the pain

Appreciate surprises

Delight in the strange

Open up to Magic everyday

Notice what is wonderful

Speak of what is Great

Amplify the Love

Releasing the hate

Let your Soul fly

Let your body dance

Listen to Your song

Now sing it take a chance

Yell if from the treetops

Whisper in the wind

Redefine “without”

And redefine “within”

Make up a new word

Hear a new sound

Laugh at a rule

Freedom Abounds.

It’s inevitable

It’s inevitable

It is

It’s inevitable

It’s inevitable

It is

I give thanks for this song

For this frequency passing through me

Wherever you came from

Wherever you’re going

I give thanks just for knowing You

I give thanks for this moment

I give thanks for Eternity

I give thanks I give thanks

I give thanks I give thanks

It’s inevitable

It’s inevitable

It is

Joy is inevitable

Peace is inevitable
Balance is Inevitable

It is
Truth is inevitable
Freedom is inevitable
Love is inevitable
It is.
Artwork by Shakti Karlynn Howeth

Shakti Karlynn Howeth is a singer-songwriter, visual artist, performer, yoga teacher, dreamer and fun-lover.  She currently resides at Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville, VA with her dog LoQueSabe.  Other places she calls home include San Francisco as well as Los Angeles, CA. You may view more of Shakti's art here, listen to her music here, or connect with her on Facebook. 

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


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