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CHANGING SEASON by Alyscia Cunningham

Mother Nature possesses an innate quality, which we are all born with…

Transformation. Just as the Earth transcends in seasons, we blossom as the years go by.

If we can simply get to the point of acknowledging growing older, our natural birthright, and embracing the changes that come with it, we experience true freedom.

We are all beautiful in our natural shape, form and stage in life. Gift our daughters with the pleasure of self-love. Our youth not only learn from what they see but also from what we do.

I pay tribute to that little girl who is constantly told by society that she is not beautiful.  For the older woman who hides behind her mask and colors her gray hair.  And to the senior woman who feels that her wrinkles are a negative reminder of growing older.
Know that you are all beautiful, just the way you are. Let the radiance you were born with shine through.
Photography by Alyscia Cunningham

Changing Season

The seasons change,
Mother Earth ensures her mission to rearrange.
And as our surroundings,
The essential law of light takes flight.

Young to old, shy to bold,
Black to gray, night to day…
What a lovely sight.

Strength of the seasons transcends inner beauty,
Loving our growth is a birthright duty.

Wisdom gained,
Our bitterness tamed,
Unapologetically you,
Journeys traveled through…

So what have we come to?

Looking in the mirror and disliking the view.

While mass media is a culprit
Commit to recognize we were born magnificently sculpted.

Develop a positive perspective of your natural bloom,

As our daughters will too delight in their inner room.


Fall in love with your true reflections

Realize and embrace them all

Alyscia Cunningham:  “I was raised with a Caribbean heritage, my parents being from the island of Trinidad and Tobago. Born in Tacoma, WA, my hometown is Corona, NY, currently residing in the Washington, DC area and looking forward to my move to California. I’m still figuring out exactly where.  I am a free spirit, nature lover, artist, photographer, Creator, granddaughter, daughter, wife, mother of 3, sister, aunty, cousin and friend to many. Changing Season, is a reflection of my first recently self-published book titled, FeminineTransitions: A Photographic Celebration of Natural Beauty. It is a photography book that promotes the importance of self-love for our authentic selves as girls and women. Other than continuing to express my creativity through art and photography, my future plans are to publish art books that highlight our natural beauty and power as females." Connect with Alyscia on her website here, or on Facebook. 

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~


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