This poem flowed through me...
It emerged after competing a 5 day intensive Tennyoga course with Charlotta Martinus of Universal Yoga earlier this year. It was an amazing experience: Something was awoken within me! The poem embodies the experience…
It emerged after competing a 5 day intensive Tennyoga course with Charlotta Martinus of Universal Yoga earlier this year. It was an amazing experience: Something was awoken within me! The poem embodies the experience…
Dreams of Sleep
Our body is a boat on the sea of dreams
The choppy ebb and flow, created by breath,
As we toss and turn on the inhale and exhale
In search of the shores of sleep…
And the exhale movement brings shores into view
Of safe harbours, quiet places, to relax and renew,
So our inner selves release the boat and the sail,
Replaced by meadows, butterflies and gentler things
And for a few moments the green grass is still…
Until the gentler whisper of gossamer wings
Brings our self back to the sea of dreams,
Our bodies a boat - our mind is the sail,
Steer it well through life’s tides, and occasional swells…
And if the crest of the wave breaks overhead
Our boat and sail stay steady;
And even if all is externally wrecked,
We repair and remake, with mindfull breath…
While our inner self smiles so gently;
Our body is a boat - our mind is the sail
And self dances with butterflies for each inhale and exhale
Across all the oceans and landscapes of life,
Till we finally reach the infinite shores,
And the butterfly self needs boat and sail no more…
Lisa Smith: At the tender age of 46 Lisa is continuing to discover what makes her tick…mostly a more open, mindful life, and a lot of yoga. She currently lives in Dorset UK and works in the drug and alcohol field. An ambition she has is to tell lovely people to 1) Breathe 2) Forgive yourself and others and 3) Be kind to yourself and others. Lisa secretly believes all the intricacies of various therapies are really about the Big 3 listed above - and may even write a very, short book about it one day! She has a son of 25 and an amazing cat ‘Princess Azra’ aka ‘Azerina Hellcat’ depending on mood of said cat. She hopes to continue to learn and practice yoga, teach yoga and mindfulness, and travel to some far off places.
~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~
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