Inspired by the experience of walking with those whose earthly lives are ending...
A Song of Leaving and Returning
(dedicated to those whose lives are ending)
by Deborah Beach Giordano
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song that has been sung over and again
throughout the earth.
I am singing gently, softly;
blessing God,
blessing my loved ones,
and blessing my life.
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song of gratitude,
a song of joyful memories,
a song of sorrow,
a song of departure;
there are no words, only music;
a sweet, tender song I know quite well.
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song of rejoicing,
a song of thanksgiving,
a song of strength and of courage,
a song of leaving
and of coming home;
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song of power,
of grandeur,
of glorious majesty;
it lifts me up:
the whole world is set before me;
and I see all life with brand new eyes;
I am singing, softly singing,
a song that only the Lord and I can hear;
a song that fills my heart
and thrills my soul;
it is the music of Creation,
the lovesong of God;
it is the song that calls me home.
I am singing, gently singing;
all else has grown silent;
there is no pain,
no regrets,
and no grief;
the gates are thrown open,
new voices join in;
now the Song is singing me.
A Song of Leaving and Returning
(dedicated to those whose lives are ending)
by Deborah Beach Giordano
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song that has been sung over and again
throughout the earth.
I am singing gently, softly;
blessing God,
blessing my loved ones,
and blessing my life.
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song of gratitude,
a song of joyful memories,
a song of sorrow,
a song of departure;
there are no words, only music;
a sweet, tender song I know quite well.
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song of rejoicing,
a song of thanksgiving,
a song of strength and of courage,
a song of leaving
and of coming home;
I am singing a new song to the Lord;
a song of power,
of grandeur,
of glorious majesty;
it lifts me up:
the whole world is set before me;
and I see all life with brand new eyes;
I am singing, softly singing,
a song that only the Lord and I can hear;
a song that fills my heart
and thrills my soul;
it is the music of Creation,
the lovesong of God;
it is the song that calls me home.
I am singing, gently singing;
all else has grown silent;
there is no pain,
no regrets,
and no grief;
the gates are thrown open,
new voices join in;
now the Song is singing me.
Deborah Beach Giordano: I am a struggling Christian, committed pacifist, near-obsessive recycler, incurable animal lover, inveterate tree-hugger; a nature mystic, a socialized introvert, an advocate for the vulnerable, an opponent of exploiters. I live in beautiful Marin County, California, where I practice a ministry in Spiritual Direction and healing arts.
~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~
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