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KALI'S DANCE by Rhea Ruth Aitken

 The New Year has already made its mark on us...

Its strong energies bringing us face to face with our lives, changes and truths, promises and resolutions.The full moon on New Year's Day was a special and powerful portal for me. I walk a magical path and love to acknowledge and honor the changing seasons. The moon and its infinite cycles of light and dark holds a special place in my heart and soul, as does my usual practice. I set and dressed my Altar for meditation and guidance, calling for a Goddess to serve my highest purpose for the year ahead. I turned a card - Kali - why wasn't I surprised! She had already been dancing around me, pulling at me to let go and renew, walk new cycles and be courageous enough to change so much in my life. 

Kali, the powerful Mother, urged me in no gentle way to be the destroyer of my comfort and open myself to more, even though it was as yet unknown. Tough love from a feared and revered icon of feminine power perhaps but I have embraced her strong leadership and her deep love, found my buried bravery through her no nonsense messages and am readying myself to follow life anew as this New Year opens its gates to pathways new. As strong winds were howling outside my window and the afterglow of the full moon filtered through my curtains in the early hours this poem was written as a poignant narrative of my meditation experiences with the beautiful Kali that night.

Kali's Dance
Rhea Ruth Aitken                                                                                                                         

Kali is dancing with me
Swirling the circles of change
Around my reluctant being
Fiercely biting, punching
Her voice piercing my comfort
Stirring my fears
To a puddle of volcanic mud.

'Let go!' she screams 'Let go!'
'There is a new dance
Follow my steps
Abandon yourself
Into the chaos of revolution
Put your head back and scream
'No More! No more!'
Paddle in the blood of the past
And the sticky dingy mud of now
Get your feet dirty
And divinely placed
Into a new space, a sacredness
You are yet to know.

This dance is not for the faint of heart
But for the warriors of truth
The open spirited women who know
When what is
Is not enough
When it is time to go.
She pushes me
Her sharp finger plunging raw
Into my flesh, into my soul
And the blood of my spirit
Spills forth, a dam broken
A flow mercilessly revived.

I dance faster, ecstatically
Mirroring her leading feet
Catching her offered hand
In a painful clutch
A birthing of tears and pain
A cleansing of all I have harboured
In the name of love.

About me as I move to her tune
Storms rage and fires burn
And I stand for a moment
Still amidst it all, in awe
Of her power, her fiery love
Her raw and absolute leadership
Of my souls journey.

Exhausted by her power
I slump to the floor
Lie in the detritus and tainted outflow
Of all I was
All I thought I should be
And in the stupor of rebirth
With charred and bleeding wounds
I claim myself once more.       

She, stilled from her fury
Turns her red stained mouth
To the satisfied smile
Of an eons old midwife
And offers her hand
Now soft as mother and newborn both
For me to hold
As I embrace life anew.

Rhea-Ruth Aitken: Spiritual Medium, Writer, Daughter of the Goddess and all round Creatress, I am a woman who loves to weave stories, songs and poetry, commune with the Spirit World and walk with the cycles of Mother Nature and the Moon. Having embraced the wisdom of Cronehood I now am allowing time in my life to collate and birth some of my work into the world. Spirituality and creativity are ever present passions and being a channel I use writing as a spiritual practice as well as a natural focus for healing, expression and creativity, a way of being mindful of myself as a woman, of knowing and communing with the truth of my soul. Whether for reading, writing, or ritual, words are my constant companion as I walk with the Goddess daily and follow my magical pathway. Words are magical, they can transform, promote understanding, inspire and heal. Words can paint a picture in the mind and sometimes I paint that picture onto canvas too. I love to hold sacred space for women to enjoy sisterhood, sharing and self-expression.  I write for women, those beautiful sisters with whom I share my life journey. If I can touch one heart, share one word of healing or allow one woman to know herself through my work then I have accomplished my promise to Goddess to share and inspire. Find me on my website or Facebook

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


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