No Longer a Threat
A hole in the screen,
a break in the skin,
a door left open.
A worry that something will
infiltrate, infect, fester.
A constant sense of jeopardy
rooted in origins
both understood and not.
This powerful effect of the wound
is losing its potency
as boundaries are determined
and continue to fortify
in such a way as to allow
benevolent permeability.
All the while the true taproot
grows stronger
with life giving liquids circulating
more and more freely.
Mind settling,
heart nurturing,
soul fostering –
dynamic and sure
they surge and swirl,
providing a fullness
that is at the same time
fresh and familiar.
Truth spirals,
grace expands,
love swells,
and there simply is
no longer a threat.
Sarah Carlson has many pieces to her whole, as most of us do. Those pieces include: mother, teacher, daughter, friend, widow, sister, skier, bicyclist, hiker, coach, drummer, and poet. Sarah lives in the western foothills of Maine where opportunities to make connections amid the splendor of the rivers, lakes and mountains are plentiful. She began writing and combining her poetry with photographs of her experiences in the natural world as part of healing from the sudden loss of her husband, Barry. More of her poetry can be seen on her blog here. Her book, The Radiance of Change, (found here) can be purchased on line through the independent bookstore in her hometown of Farmington, Maine.
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