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YOU ARE ENOUGH by Kalindi Dinoffer


You Are Enough

By Kalindi Dinoffer


You know those days
where it just feels 
like everything's going wrong
sideways and backwards
and maybe the day is fine
but you're wrong
sideways and backwards
like maybe you're 
not enough... 

Here's the thing:
Even on those days
You are enough
Yes you
just you
just me
just we 

You don't have to do anything
to prove your worth 
you are always enough
in the eyes of God
hugging you from within 

You are enough
I am enough
We are enough 

You are loved
just as you are
dark crevices
and all 

You are enough 
and you are loved
even though you're not perfect 
So don't run away 
don't hide 

Get comfy in your own skin
it's a gift
lean into vulnerability 
lean into fear and shame
lean into dark thoughts
embrace them
like long lost lovers 

It doesn't work
to hide the parts
of you
you'd rather not reckon with
they'll be the elephant 
in the room 
growing bigger and bigger 
until they consume you 

Try inviting 
the elephant to tea
and watch it transform
into a stuffed animal
in need of a hug 

And by the way
whoever said the dark
is bad? 
that was a lie too
the dark is just as sacred 
as the light
Divine contrasts
the dark is the primeval 
womb space 
from which 
all life emerges and returns 

You are enough 
Your worth 
is in your existence 
full of love, knowledge and bliss 
we just forget 
let's call it temporary amnesia 

Your worth 
is in being you
letting your wild heart beat
touching other wild hearts
in a dance of light and dark
day and night
is the moon not as magical as the sun? 

On those days
where it just feels 
like everything's going wrong
sideways and backwards
and maybe the day is fine
but you're wrong
sideways and backwards
like maybe you're 
not enough... 

On those days
Wrap your arms
around yourself 
close your eyes
and feel 
the embrace of God 
tenderly holding 
your heart

You are enough
You don't need to prove 
your worth
You are loved
for being you
a newborn babe
in the world 
walking on shaky feet
muddling through amnesia 
crying out for Mother Father God 
blind that They are there
They never left 

Your Mother holds you
to her breast
feel her beating heart
listen to her love song 

Your Father protects you
teaches you
to be a heart warrior 
to do the hardest thing

Love yourself 
For in loving yourself
your love Them
and all your soul siblings 
two legged and four legged and winged and scaled and flowered
that call this earth home 

Love yourself so much
your love explodes
onto everyone and everything around you
Love yourself so much
your heart bursts 
and each you see and feel
each moment for it is

And on those days
where it just feels 
like everything's going wrong
sideways and backwards
and maybe the day is fine
but you're wrong
sideways and backwards
like maybe you're 
not enough...
Love yourself even more
on those days

Kalindi Dinoffer grew up in a Bhakti yoga community and has been writing poetry since she was a young girl. Kalindi is trained in mindfulness and mindful self-compassion, sharing on her blog She is also a yoga instructor and is trained in reiki, and myofascial release therapy as well. Kalindi played competitive tennis growing up and graduated summa cum laude from Southern Methodist University and now serves as Chief Marketing Officer for her family business, a leading supplier of tennis, pickleball, fitness and yoga training aids and equipment. Kalindi has been published in leading magazines and conducted workshops at conferences around the world. In her spare time, Kalindi enjoys reading and writing of course as well as activities such as tennis, ping pong, hiking and biking.

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