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TO SEE NEW by Carolyn Chilton Casas

Today, we are excited to share with you an excerpt from the newly released  Under the Same Sky , by Carolyn Chilton Casas one of our regular contributors. Under the Same Sky is Carolyn's second poetry collection, and was released today with Golden Dragonfly Press .   Together in the Evening Light                     In the soft light  of longer evening hours, we sit down  at our rough pine table with warm plates of grilled fish  and steamed vegetables. I glance past my husband and see two deer lying on the grass— a doe, her eyes locked with mine, and her fawn, head twisted back resting on his shoulder as he sleeps.   She does not startle when I stand to bring  the butter, pour the wine; they are frequent guests. In a bougainvillea next to the window, a blue jay darts in and out, carrying twigs to knit her nest. Now she hops in bushes near the deer, then flutters to a stop on top of the fawn. When there is no complaint, she begins to pick at his molting hair,  his humble offering
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MAYBE IT'S AN INTENTION by Carolyn Chilton Casas

  Maybe it’s an intention   to do at least one kind thing today  or to make no less than one person  smile. Or allowing myself  just ten minutes more  of silence to savor, that blanket of joy with hands placed gently over heart and belly.   Maybe it’s tuning in  to the elm tree, noticing  how it sheds its bark and amber leaves, preparing for a new beginning. Or appreciating the frogs  voiced elation after days of rain.   Maybe it’s stopping to look  into the eyes of loved ones,  truly listening to what is  on their mind in this moment.   Or it could be making a list  of what I know must get done,  then setting it aside in reverence  to the promise of this new day. Carolyn Chilton Casas  is a Reiki master and teacher whose favorite themes to write about are nature, mindfulness, and ways to heal. Her articles and poems have appeared in journals and anthologies in multiple countries including  The Wonder of Small Things: Poems of Peace and Renewal .   More of Carolyn’s work can be found o

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