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Creative expressions come in countless forms...

 Writing has become my visceral vein of lyrical communication. Sometimes it takes on the form of an essay, poem or in this instance prose. I close my eyes and pull aside a sheer veil and step into an inner layer to share a synergetic spiritual transformation. It’s in rapport to the powerful vibrations of the eclipses. It’s a quantum exploration of letting go, letting in and reconnecting to the hidden self through synchronicity. This morsel of prose is undeniably a phoenix rising moment. My eyes are a reflective mirror meeting yours through the words of my heart.

~My Heart An Open Pearl~

"To hold, you must first open your hand. Let go." ~ Lao Tzu~

The sea foam lapped onto the shore. 
It washed away a former life.

 It cleansed the stubborn callouses 
and erased the rough edges of mistrust.

She felt the morning breeze tease her hair 
and the sun transpose her heart. 

The alignment of stars gathered her lost pieces and channeled them through. 

The light was already there but needed to be fanned back into use.

She stepped over the broken glass. 
The moment of now, tasted new, clean and raw.
It tasted primeval. 

The expansiveness of the sea was part of her... 

She tenderly dipped her toes,
 then her feet, 
her body submerged in the facets of the waves.
She didn’t drown.

Instead she grew gills with iridescent scales that shimmered in the moonlight. 
She was one with the sea and the universe. 
The waves were undulating music, calm and at times fierce.

She grasped at the indescribable complexity of life.
She faced her reflections in the churning sea. 
The art was finding peace in the inner storms.

A seascape of intricacies so detailed, 
intimate and convoluted 
she needed to surface for a breath of fresh air. 
She found herself on a deserted island to see. 

She stretched on the beach of her tribulations
 and laid them out one by one, 
shell by shell, side by side 
to see the facets of misunderstanding
 to find understanding.

It was self-trust to believe her heart 
because no one else could pave the way.

She followed the path 
and opened more doors, 
each one unique, riveting, heavy, unknown, 
fearsome and yet equally fulfilling. 

She stepped into the mystical 
and opened her heart:
the inner light poured out and more came in.


It spoke to her and resounded an earth mother love. 
It touched her being
 and she fell prostrate
 in humble gratitude to a solar system of wisdom.

Casting aside her shame, she felt embraced by self-love.

She has been waiting to step into her heart and let it be.

                                 She is me, you and I.

                                                          We are one...

Carolyn Riker is an elementary teacher, mental health counselor, writer and a poet who finds comfort and balance in her kids, nature, music and her sweet cat Copper.  She can be seen sipping soy lattes, nibbling on dark chocolate or savoring a full-bodied red wine. Introspective, forthright, kind and compassionate, she intertwines life with yoga, meditating and learning about Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda.  She also writes for Elephant Journal and Rebelle Society. Carolyn can be reached via her e-mail address or on facebook here.  

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


  1. Wow So Beautiful!!! Loved reading this!!

  2. Thank you Annette! So glad you enjoyed it. xoxo ~ Carolyn

  3. I have so many favorite lines here it's hard to pick just one! But, if I must: "She faced her reflections in the churning sea.
    The art was finding peace in the inner storms." I have also always juxtaposed my emotions with the movements of the sea. The ocean has always seemed like a mirror to me, ever since I was a small child. And I love the way you call finding peace amidst the storms an "art"! Beautiful! So there's hope for this artist yet! ;) And of course, the ending swept me away. Thank you for sharing yourself with us all in this way, dear Carolyn!

  4. Krishna Kanta Dasi, your words are always validating and inspiring. I write from my heart and I think we all have a bit of an artist within. It is an art to survive our storms. Thank you for letting me share here. ~ Carolyn

  5. Carolyn, right here:

    "She didn’t drown.

    Instead she grew gills with iridescent scales that shimmered in the moonlight.
    She was one with the sea and the universe."

    is where I felt tears form.



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