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THE AUTUMN OF OUR SPRING by Anca Mihaela Bruma

 This poem emphasizes the main theme of change and challenge: creative change, spiritual change and relational transformation…

I use my poetic writings as a guide, as they reflect my longing for a more meaningful life, a renewed relationship with the Divine. This poem presents the seasons of my life and the passage of Time: a spiritual adventure where the highest understanding of Unity is the key.

In my poems, moments of fervent passion often alternate with period of unbearable loneliness. I also like using nature as a canvas for my psyche: a place where my emotions can find a greater understanding of love within myself. I believe that sacred love and wisdom is unfolded by the healing rhythms in Nature, together with the universal law of the Universe: Death and re-Birth. This theme of impermanence is symbolized by the autumn season where nature is changing and nothing lasts forever.

In autumn everything is ripe, mature, fulfilled, requiring me to reconcile with myself. It’s a time to harvest a lifetime of learning, to get that sense of fulfillment and richness as I let go and release things, which no longer serve me. There is something melancholic about this opportunity to go beyond the surface of my own Life and learn about my own Self, and the inner purpose of all things: the need to balance the light and darkness within myself, living with or without it.

Despite the necessary melancholy, I end with hope: a re-awakening call based on the well-known Sufi core belief “die before you die” ("fana") in which annihilation of Ego and total surrender is expected. The moment we stop fearing death is the moment when Life can truly take over us, liberating us from the attachments and identifications that create our sufferings. It is living with complete awareness!

I long for this kind of life, where I can experience more shades and aspects of Love. This is what I mean when I write: “the autumn of our spring”. The autumn of our spring is a time to allow the wisdom within us to spring up inside of us, over and over again, newly flavored, continuously and ceaselessly rejuvenated!

Artwork by Dorina Costras
The Autumn of Our Spring
by Anca Mihaela Bruma

My autumnal words fell on the sidewalk of Love!
You looked like Autumn… I behaved like Spring…
I found you when I had lost you
In this autumn… of our spring.

I re-arranged my rustic colors
so Love will gain a new anthem
with fluid steps and no numb regrets,
forgotten overdue epiphanies,
lost stolen rainbows
and red echoes with tangerine taste.

In this autumn of our spring
with its golden trail and acoustic wings
the season paints its words as a grand finale
while your leaves whisper secrets to the World
and a puff of wind lingers our photographic memories
as journals left and long forgotten on the path’s end.

A stolen cry, a remembered loss of innocence,
as my desires hung on Sun’s shoulder,
I see a repainted canvas of us
with cycled memories on the hills’ canopy.

How sensual this autumn is!
Spiraling its space… tumbling its distance,
prolonged myself by flaming orange leaves.

During this autumn of our spring
my World turned into a September embrace,
October tinted your presence
With blossoming hues of green-orange undertones.

A dreamy dream… an autumnal fugue,
during lost Summer epopee,
and I breathed… with November pulse.

My soul’s crimson is ambered and rubied
And I feel… autumned
I left my cinnamon spice to learn more about your beauty
the citrine embers of your eyes under the raindrops,
watched the cosmic dance on your skin, a whisper in time,
my temple of words still carry a forgotten white procession.

And love again… and again… dawns upon my future self
with rain scented winds, thrumming my life in your heart…

Words still scream the nuances of your disappearances
sailing across my punctuated flight…
Of so much yearning… I have sharpened more wings…

In this autumn of our spring, I will stumble no more
behind your voice… as Life cannot be sung half!...

A stolen cry… a remembered loss of innocence,

and I have learned how to die… by living!...
Pictured is the author, Anca Mihaela Bruma

Anca Mihaela Bruma: I am Romanian living in Dubai/UAE. My love for poetry started when I was just 9 years old. Since I started writing again in January 2014, it has emerged from me like an “explosion” - it is like the pen “writes” me not the other way around! My “lyrical writings”, as I like to call them, are more of a spiritual autobiography, depicting reality as I perceive it behind all forms: with no space and time, a quantum view of existence. Right now, I see the writing as a form of being present inside the language, a paradigm of living, which is encoded in the message itself, like a poetic consciousness with a spherical view of things, life, and love. For me, writing now is more related to the realization of the greater self, beyond the mundane and well-known laws of society, as an expression of both the rational and the intuitive, via poetry, increasing my awareness with new meanings expanded. Connect with Anca on her new website here, via FacebookPintrestYoutube, or Twitter.    

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


  1. This is absolutely beautiful. Visual, hearted and soulful. Such a unique way to lay it on the page. Love it. Thank you, Anca!


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