Nature always inspires me in my search for my inner self...
My spirituality is closely linked with nature. I especially sense this when I take a
stroll into nature, amid the giant trees. I feel the wind soothing my inner
soul, in ways that rest beyond what words can elucidate. This poem is inspired by the
beauty of nature: its greenery and colorfully vivid treasures. I get
myself lost in its lush forests surrounded by trees and gushing rivers.
Trees: The Soul of Nature
by Vidya Chetan
Trees getting cut day by day,
yet we busy extinguishing our soul,
breaking the habitat of birds.
Where will our birds abide as we hurt our Mother Nature?
Blindfolded to the blood oozing, from the trunks of ancestral
ignoring the pain of deep routed stalks for our self-centred
Wild creatures are being displaced,
as we enlarge our castles.
Weather is getting more and more intense,
while we easily adapt with air conditioners,
blindly overlooking our fellow beings inhabiting nature's
There, they struggle to tolerate environmental damage of flora.
Expecting shade everywhere due to the sun's scorching heat,
we ironically anticipate cool air, without planting a single sapling.
Our future generations will not know the relief of nature's shade.
What are we contributing to our Mother Earth?
Do technological advances support our flora and fauna?
Our existence is threatened when Mother Nature is overlooked!
Could we not plant trees around us as we
renovate our homes?
Let us envision a green world where our soul can repose.
Our soul will be sanctified if we could sow a single seed.
Where we can rest in the shade of the soul of nature?
Where can we rest under trees!!!
~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~
Your philosophy and words so resonate with me. I have loved trees all my life and I feel nature is where I am most closely aligned with my heart and spirit and the Divine. I am saddened to see the destruction of nature and I feel by sharing how we feel about nature and the trees we are helping to raise consciousness and the vibration of our world to come into a place of acknowleging, honoring and loving all Earth's Family.