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BODHRAN by Avellina Balestri

This is taken from a time when I was going through a spell of severe spiritual dryness…

However, playing my bodhran drum for a studio recording helped me remember to the Divine Order that is all around me, as exemplified by the rhythm of the drum beats.

by Avellina Balestri

I feel the skin of the drum
Taut with ageless anticipation
And walk my fingers along it
Making a sound like pattering rain,
Preparing the parched ground for growth.

I brandish the beating stick
Grasping it lightly, letting it dance,
Helping the wood to remember its roots.
Once it sprouted from the heart of the earth;
Now it will sing earth’s holistic hymn.

My wrist is quick, like a snake’s tongue,
Flashing in and out, up and down,
Sinking into rhythm and running free,
Like a wild horse or a water fall,
Hoof-beats thunder and rapids rush

An intuition takes command,
Borne from the Soul of the Universe –
Mystical Mathematics swirl
In harmonies unleashed.

Truth cries out in every beat
As energy pulses through earth
And life is broken from its shell.

Skin to wood and wood to skin,
Spiral song goes ever on…

It mirrors every story told,
A reflection of some deeper plain.
It forms a well-worn path,
The constancy a comfort.

Then hear the click of wood on wood –
The common elements are wed!
A passion punctuates the lay
With changing force that brings new life

I rest my head against the frame,
A circle, like eternity.
Oak wisdom vibrates off its curves,
Long since imbued by Ancient Magic
And Magic’s Source, Who Is What Is

Though distance stretches long,
Nearness hums within…

Some echo of the ocean waves,
Of lion’s heart, of humming bird’s wings,
The essence of the surge of life,
Each spark of flame and drop of blood,
So strong it flows, the pulsing tide…

And yet, hear now:

The gentle beat of Mother’s Love,
The cradle of life’s dawn
So intimate a lullaby,
So magical a drum
Encapsulates the meaning
Of all that Is and Is to Come

Avellina Balestri (also known by her pen name, Rosaria Marie) is a Catholic Christian with a deep appreciation for Celtic culture and mysticism. She is a founding member and Editor-in-Chief of the online magazine The Fellowship of the King, a place where spirituality and creativity meet (which, by the way, is open to submissions). In addition to reading and writing extensively on matters of world history, popular culture, and universal spirituality, she is also a folk singer, musician, and recording artist. In all her endeavors, she draws her inspiration from the Ultimate Love and Source of Creativity, and hopes to share that love and creativity with others. You can find her project on Facebook here. 

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~


  1. Beautiful! I always felt there was 'magic' in the sound of the bodhran. The player becomes one with the drum, the beats echoing down through the ages; it speaks of history and spirits long past. You have truly captured the essence of what I have felt. Thank you!!

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with your views of the drum, dear Ginny and also appreciate the delightful way in which Avellina has expressed that magic in her poem. Thank you for sharing!


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