To be grey or not to be...
I had a fleeting moment of getting so fed up of dying my roots that I stopped to ponder how it would be to just let go.
I felt quite sad after realizing how attached I had become to this part of my identity and all the layers of meaning I had attached to it and to what it meant to me, as a woman. How much pressure I felt to conform, stay young, keep up my grooming, brighten myself up. I feared becoming invisible, old and discolored.
Still I remain stuck in indecision and fearful of being washed away by grey.
Should I go Grey?
by Paula Doran
Should I go Grey?
Let go of this mask
That says I'm not old
Still up to the task.
Judy Dench, I imagine
Rocky horrors magenta
Wear those roots proud
No chemical venture.
Salt and pepper curls,
Long, medium, short?
Not the beauty I'd imagined
Red lippy? Just a thought!
Harder to accept
than imagine this crown
More to consider
Feeling let down.
Not quite ready
to rise and grow free
But still sadly bound
to delusional reality.
Paula Doran: “I am a married mum of 3 boys aged 17, 8 and 9 months old. My husband is David, a good, good man. I love my family dearly. I consider myself a seeker of knowledge, discovering new and wonderful things about life every day. I am on maternity leave at the moment but when in work I practice as a counsellor, supporting others to move toward healing themselves after sexual trauma and through the judicial process. I love my work as a counsellor and poetry, and writing song lyrics, is one way in which I practice self-care. My husband plays the guitar too and sometimes we get to put those lyrics to some music and have created, what I consider great music together.”
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