It is a Season of rebirth and renewed delight...
Inspired by a walk in late evening, as the glorious full moon lighted the sky and the earth and the bright stars were gathered together in celestial choirs. I experienced a resurgence of joy: hope, possibility, renewal.
Inspired by a walk in late evening, as the glorious full moon lighted the sky and the earth and the bright stars were gathered together in celestial choirs. I experienced a resurgence of joy: hope, possibility, renewal.
The Morning Stars Sang Together
by Deborah Beach Giordano
"Were you there when the morning stars sang together
and the angels shouted with delight?"
~ Job 38:7~
The morning stars sang together
in unrestrained ecstasy
at the glory of being ā
simply being,
and it was from this joy
that the light blazed forth,
illuminating the night;
a brilliant radiance
from their innermost being
banished the darkness.
And the angels shouted with delight.
Deborah Beach Giordano: I am a struggling Christian, committed pacifist, near-obsessive recycler, incurable animal lover, inveterate tree-hugger; a nature mystic, a socialized introvert, an advocate for the vulnerable, an opponent of exploiters. I live in beautiful Marin County, California, where I practice a ministry in Spiritual Direction and healing arts.
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