I wrote this when thinking of several things that impact my life (and I am sure many others) in positive ways... My faith rests on a principal that there is an interdepent web of all existence of which each of us is a part. I also notice daily how the spider webs outside my door preservere through winds and rain, and yet are so insignificant as to be almost invisible. Invincible, invisible connection is all around us, some connections as fine as spider silk but oh so strong. Connection by Julia W. Prentice Connection tenuous, a silver thread Strand of gossamer, barely seen, but Firmly anchored in our soul Scintillating, shimmering When we reach out The trembling cord vibrating With the hum of our life We touch other threads As they in turn vibrate Our frequencies align To double the life-force Nay, increase it exponentially Two become three Three, five, as the Web of life pulses our Spider-silken strands We reel in our ...
Women's Spiritual Poetry