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I write on a similar path as the moon caresses the sky…

She shows herself to me. My emotions and thoughts tempered as much by her shadows as her light.

I hold with deep respect the changes of my femininity. Age is also playing a role as I see myself step into her truth and find her voice. It is through these temperate transitions of tenacious insights, I write.

The moon is at half and I feel her growing energies within. I learn from the split of dark and light. Peace comes from facing and untangling our shadows. I watch the moon as nature's candle light; it glows an inordinate amount of wisdom. I listen and feel and learn to follow her guidance. She has mastered the tides of the sea and has much to teach me.

There’s always something magically when I look to the sky and know, we all share a stellar cloak of the heavens. This poem sprung from a restless night when the half-moon’s presence comforted me.

Let the Moon’s Nectar Trickle over Me
By Carolyn Riker

The moon, in her half fullness
resting on the edges of nothingness
the seen and the silence of quivering darkness;
she speaks to me.

She teases the tendrils of thoughts spilling
and words tangled in the depth of distant starlight;
the intensity of energy quickens by day
and by night, I feel her graceful beams reach
a soft space of ebony and clarity of insight.

The flipside of the moon,
the half hidden shadows, lit by dreams we remember
and memories we can’t forget;
she captivates our inner glow
and awakens our candidness.

I am the moon and she is me
we dance a rhythmic melody of ebb and flow;
our mysterious femininity unfolds
and age becomes our gifts
as lush as a ripened mango.

The moon,
in half her fullness echoes the
waves of the sea
the song of storm and tranquility;
tonight, let me tip a moon slice into my cup
and let her nectar trickle over me.

(Find more of Carolyn's poetry in our new book! Just click here

Carolyn Riker is an elementary teacher, mental health counselor, writer and a poet who finds comfort and balance in her kids, nature, music and her sweet cat Copper.  She can be seen sipping soy lattes, nibbling on dark chocolate or savoring a full-bodied red wine. Introspective, forthright, kind and compassionate, she intertwines life with yoga, meditating and learning about Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda.  She also writes for Elephant Journal and Rebelle Society. Carolyn can be reached via her e-mail address or on facebook here.  

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 
