believe in a Love that goes beyond life, death, time and space…
Time has no power on souls who love each other.
Realizing this may turn your life upside down. Such glimpses give you the certainty that you’re not
alone, that someone watches over you, that each single step of your journey is
intertwined with many others in a deep Love connection. They may come in the
form of a person, of a vision, of a dream. You can experience such blissful
moments by diving into Art or creative stuff, meditating, praying, contacting
your inner Self. The contact with the other part of myself has been a
life-changing experience for me.
by Angela
Beyond flesh and bones,
beyond the sleeping sight
of the diamond river,
there is a Love deserving to
be expressed
somewhere, someday, somehow.
Never ceasing to look for
the Essence
for Time is just Eternity in
disguise -
Beauty uncaught will always
a playful glimpse of
guiding our straight path.
Even though earthly things will
there is some certainty from
up above -
Light will be your trustful companion
and never let you go.
Angela Patrono is a writer, editor and translator
from Italy. She believes in the power of creativity, which is closely
linked to spiritual awakening. She also believes that poetry is a
mysterious gift, a way of creating a world of our own, where words can really
do magic. In her opinion, poetry is closer to visual art than you think. She
draws most of her inspiration from Art, especially Sandro Botticelli’s. She is
the founder and the admin of the Facebook pages Sandro Botticelli. Un Artista, mille emozioni and
Filippino Lippi. In 2014 she released her
first poetry book Voci dall’Iperuranio (Voices from the Hyperuranion). You can
contact her on her blog.
~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~
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