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SHAMAN SNAKE WOMAN by Lizanne Corbit

I believe that crisis is best handled by the sacred feminine within us….

Feminine energy is deeply aware and in tune with the cycles of life. Thus, in her wisdom, she knows that crisis is always followed by rebirth. Because of this awareness, I best cope with and flourish out of crisis when I allow my feminine energy to surface during these events.

I see two keys to personal growth: that darkness serves a purpose in our lives and that, if we surrender to that purpose – rather than succumbing to the darkness – we will grow.

When I find myself in what feels like the bottom of the abyss, I think back on this. It helps me look around for the light. And, when my world is filled with joy and light again, I never forget the darkness I had to pass through to get there, as remembering helps me connect with others when they face their own darkness.

This poem was written from that deep, dark place of transformation that we all go through in life. The Shaman Snake Woman in my poem is the wisdom of the ages reassuring us that our souls come alive in the depths and the darkness of transformation. She is the beauty in the blackness of change.

Shaman Snake Woman

Hiss Hiss
Rattle Rattle
Shake Shake

Hiss Hiss
Rattle Rattle
Shake Shake

I am the bone collector
I am the soul reclaimer
I am the initiated old woman
Who sings over your bones and brings them back to life
Soul infused
Spirit filled
Divine inspired are thee

Having lost thyself to the tragedies of living and life
I collect your bones
Soul fragments
And truths unspoken
I gather them, tend them,
I Sing over them
Calling them to life
After every fall into every resurrection

I am the bone collector
Praying over your bones
That the unique soul imprint comes alive again
After it has died for the hundredth time in
the umpteenth initiations you have endured
My spirit sings you alive again & again & again

Hiss Hiss
 Rattle Rattle
Shake Shake

Shake up the old, toss it about and out
of its naiveté and uninitiated self
slam it up against the wall to be broken open cracking the old form to reveal the tender DNA, the marrow, open and vulnerable
everlasting and evermore resurrected from the aging body that no longer works or fits your knowing being

Hiss Hiss
Rattle Rattle
Shake Shake

Let me sing over your marrow
Let me call the spirits to come for you
Let me send the soul into your bones to gestate,
come alive, pulsate and enliven your skeleton

Let me raise energy to raise you up once again
for this turn of the wheel of initiation
combining the Self, the Feminine and the Soul
emerging anew with new skin for this new adventure as
this newly birthed initiated female

Hiss Hiss
Rattle Rattle
Shake Shake

Hiss Hiss
Rattle Rattle
Shake Shake.

Lizanne Corbit M.A. I am a licensed professional counselor and life coach. I have been in private practices as a psychotherapist since 1990. My passion for spirit, soul and essence has guided me in all avenues of my life and work. In addition to seeing clients individually, I facilitate women’s group and personal growth workshops and retreats. Presently, I am facilitating Soul Speaks Groups and Soul Speaks Retreats. I am also sharing the message of the Diving Feminine to audiences and groups through the reading of sacred writing from my book The Night Star Reflections on the Path of the Divine Feminine. I share the Divine Mother’s message through my poetry and writing to support women and men on their journeys in life. It is a privilege and an honor to be able to hear and share the Mother’s messages of love, inspiration and healing. For more information, you can visit mywebsite here, find me on facebook

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


  1. Hello Lizanne!

    While google searching images, I quite unexpectedly see a work of art created by my soul sistar, Lisbeth Cheever Gessaman (She Who Is)! Compelled, I follow it here to discover you! I am so delighted!

    I adore this poem and look forward to reading more of your poetic truth.

    The Gypsy Priestess

    ps. The work is entitled: Dance of the Serpents
    and can be found (or purchased) here:


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