Creativity is, I
believe, a fundamental part of being Human, just as it's a fundamental part of
being Divine…
I think, perhaps, that it's here—in creativity—that the divisions and
differences: the gaps between things are bridged, and everything meets as one.
Life is full of mystery. Science and philosophy, art, theology - all
contribute to our understanding of things. But whenever there are answers, more
questions emerge. This is part of being, part of life - and that’s OK.
Creativity, for me, isn't a way of solving the mystery, but of becoming
a part of it - of dancing with it, of embracing and celebrating it.
Through creativity, I can span the divides... And touch the Divine.
Where pen and paper meet
- or Sound and Silence,
Day and Night,
the trespassing of the Word into the Void,
the tentative touching of Darkness and Light.
In the seams and horizons,
the fragile in-betweens,
in the thin places where nothing's as it seems;
where veils hang
and portals call
- where magic wreathes...
The places where Morpheus lives and breathes.
Where souls and spirits recognise
kindred light in one another’s eyes
and memories from aeons past and gone
join hearts and hands and histories
with things that are not, yet -
at the junctions where mysteries are met.
Where planets pulse and galaxies beat,
where the dancing feet and the distant drum
of everything that was and is and is to come,
echo in art and poetry
and the music that stirs somewhere deep in me
and my soul is lifted high on the sunrise sky
or whispers, low, the almost-forgotten wisdom of long ago…
Here, the heart of Divinity meets in me -
in the inhale and exhale
of Creativity.
Ruth Calder Murphy is a writer, artist, music teacher, wife and mother living in London, UK. Her life is wonderfully full of creativity and low-level chaos. She is the author of two published novels, “The Scream" and "The Everlasting Monday", several books of poetry and one or two as-yet unpublished novels. She is passionate about celebrating the uniqueness of people, questioning the unquestionable and discovering new perspectives on old wonders. She is learning to ride the waves that come along—peaks and troughs—and is waking up to just how wonderful life really is. You can visit Ruth and view more of her art on her website, or on her writer's page on Facebook. Her books are available on Amazon, here.
~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~
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