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SUN DANCER by Kiernan Antares

(Introduction by Catherine Ghosh)
The Goddess has been visiting me in many forms lately….

 The most recent arrived at my doorstep yesterday all the way from Canada, in the form of a beautiful painting, carefully packaged with layers of bubble wrap, and cardboard and sweet urgings for me to release my spirit into a joyful dance. How exciting it was for me to receive her!

The Goddesses in my painting is named ‘Sun Dancer’ and she poured through the creative artistry and intuitive insights of my friend Kiernan after she meditated on intentions I had for myself in my life, summoning spirit to guide her.

To me, the creative process of every artist is charged with incredible mysticism, and Kiernan’s was no exception. The week my inner Goddess poured from her, Kiernan drew inspiration from visions of the African Creation-Goddess Mawu, asking me to connect with the elements in nature as she decorated the canvass with rich, earthy tones that bled together in watery streaks -as if the painting had been rained on.

Unbeknown to Kiernan, that weekend I worked in my garden close to the soil, playfully built a tipi out of sticks and let the clouds gently drizzle on me, unable to resist the scent of the wet earth. Then the sun came out, as it often does on the Florida peninsula after it rains, and Kiernan’s canvass up in Toronto spontaneously burst into the colors of bright dawn: 
My 'Sun Dancer' painting in progress

That was just one of many such parallels that revealed themselves during the creation of this painting. It almost felt as if it was a collaborative process!

Much like this poetry site, in my experience sisterhoods powerfully ignite our individual creative inspirations, drawing beauty from us in the most unexpected, wonderful ways and summoning our Inner Goddesses in the process.

Today, I offer my heartfelt gratitude to Kiernan for beckoning my Inner Goddess through her amazing art. And I share this Goddess painting with you today, so that it may inspire further dances with the light as you each continue decorating the planet -and the hearts of others- with your own uniquely beautiful, fearless, uninhibited, creative expressions. Shine on, my powerful sisters!
'Sun Dancer' Acrylic painting on canvass by Kiernan Antares
(The following poem is the message that Kiernan intuited 
as she completed the painting)

Sun Dancer
by Kiernan Antares

I gaze upon the waters
Of life
And see my name there
The sparkles…dancing
Write the language of my heart

Awareness guides me
Capturing one moment in time
Reveals to me…eternity

Passages of the dawn
The day, the twilight
Call to me
Singing praises
For my ears to hear
My eyes to see
My voice to speak
My soul to dance

The beat of joy
Beneath the surface
Disguised until the pulse quickens
Awakens the Sun Dancer
To life…to celebration.
(To view more of Kiernan's Goddess Art click here

Kiernan Antares is a visionary artist, poet, and teacher based in Toronto, Ontario whose paintings and writings tell deep and rich stories through contemporary symbolism that offer healing, hope, and empowerment for the feminine soul ~ the heart of the world that has been suppressed in each of us, but is now re-awakening and emerging as a powerful force of love and wisdom. "It is my hope that something in my art will create a tiny explosion in your heart and that you will see that something, that Sacred Feminine Soul you’ve hungered for all along as a woman. She lives within you, She calls to you ~ to remember and awaken." You may connect with Kiernan via her website here, or find her on Facebook. 

~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~ 


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