When I wrote this poem I read about refugees drowning
while they were crossing the ocean for a better life…
With them in my mind, I
just felt love: A love I could not understand until the poem transformed ‘me’
into a lilac flower-bush, somewhere above the ocean, blooming on a rock.
As a woman I feel it is
my challenge to get to know myself, my earth, beyond words. With the years my
capability to perceive thoughts and emotions and to be with them grows. When
there is something I can’t understand or accept, poetry helps. The space to
embrace whatever arises is the ocean where I can dive in for inspiration.
Pictured is the author, Laura Demelza Bosma |
Blue Lips and My Lilac Love
by Laura Demelza Bosma
My head is a bush and it blooms
it’s what it does above the rainbow
of body with emotions
a thoughtless fool blooms
with thin sensitive branches
into heavens
Where I am one
with the compassionate Buddha
the all-seeing eye
through this window above it all
I get to see the boat
too thin for circumstances.
The victims in slow motion
within the forces of our ocean
love is outpouring
from the lily of the valley bush
lilac love, above it all.
Artwork by the author, Laura Demelza Bosma |
Laura Demelza Bosma (1986) is a Dutch singing and painting poetess living in Austria where she gave birth to two lovely children. She follows the river of life and loves to spend time to take care of her roots, just by being where she is wherever she is. The magic is in the little things. Laura won a few Dutch youth-poetry-prices and studied Writing For Performance at the art academy. A poetry volume got published, called ‘ Zo vliegen de walvissen’. (Thus The Whales Fly) One of her favourite expressions was the performance of her poems. They were well received at poetry-slams and other small literature-festivals. After taking part of shamanic ayahuasca-ceremonies and visiting the Babaji-ashram in Loenen (NL), Laura more and more lived her life in the name of devotion (bhakti yoga), being a woman and opening up like a flower. At the moment she is learning to become a Doula, a servant for woman during pregnancy, labor and the weeks afterwards. She wishes to combine her experience with the healing capabilities of creativity with the ones of becoming and being a mother, trusting the natural strength, love and wisdom of our own inner mother goddess, wearing all our different faces and situations. Visit her at her website here.
~If you are interested in seeing your poetry appear in this blog, or submitting a poem by a woman that has inspired you, please click here for submission guidelines. I greatly look forward to hearing from you!~
Prachtig,lieve Laura! Ik ben trots op jou! liefs,mam