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PEARLS OF THE SEA by Carolyn Riker

I’m a reflective person and even more so during winter months…

I fold inwards, similar to a seed in the earth. My mind, body and spirit need this time of year for introspection. I know for sure these last few weeks have been incredibly insightful. It’s almost as if I’m watching a black and white movie of my past and it’s finally integrating, into full color with my present. I believe we find pearls in our darkness and difficulties; one of the sea’s many gifts. I also believe the stars are where we came from. It is how we are connected. 

Every year seems epic until I review the current and I can hardly believe how much I’ve filled into the seams of what I thought was a frayed silk bag. Healing is amazing. It comes from inside and out. One of the tools I use to process the bursts of introspection, is writing. I write nearly every day. Most of what I write isn’t for others to read. It’s meant to be tucked next to my heart and processed. I did though achieve a heroic goal and started my personal writing blog. I’ve had this vision for nearly two years, and just last week I made it come alive. It’s another work in progress, although as I tweak and adjust I can feel the creative juices stitch threads of explosive possibilities.

It’s been a full year of exhilaration and transformation. I wish I could say it was all the ‘pretty stuff’ that we seem to love and savor. I don’t work that way. I dig deep into the stratosphere and find the ugliest elements possible and help them to become clear. We all have to face our inner turmoil some way. I prefer real. I’ve let go of so much and gained more. I’m reminded each day begins with the sunrise and sets with the gift of the moon. If I could, I would do an elliptical dance between the two. Instead, I’ll write to begin a New Year.

Painting by J.W Waterhouse

Pearls of the Sea
by Carolyn Riker

Lessons given and unravel
on the cusp of understanding.
The light shelters a heart hidden in the dark.

Letting go of expectations.
Revisiting old traditions and creating new.
We crumble to our knees and
wings shield us from the storms.

Revelations spiral counterclockwise.
Here we find strength in unusual ways.
The magic of our wings,
finds we can soar.

My ship is always sailing,
in a bottle along uncharted seas.
The messages we receive are often subtle but
clearly what we need.

And so we begin this year
with blinks of yesterday leading on a path of now.
We hold the swirling energy
and when ready, sip the streams of wisdom.

It’s in the knowing we find the answers.
We breathe the messages and
birth pearls of the sea,
all guided by the stars
found in you and me.

'The Mermaid' by Waterhouse

Carolyn Riker, MA is a private tutor, writer and a poet. She is also a Certified Instructor for Journal Writing and provides workshops. Carolyn finds comfort and balance in her kids, nature, music and her sweet cat Copper. She can be seen sipping soy lattes and nibbling on dark chocolate. She’s a regular columnist for Rebelle Society  and Elephant Journal. She also has a personal blog here. You can also visit Carolyn’s facebook page here. 


  1. A gracious and beautiful reflection with which to begin this year...

    1. Thank you, Tracie. Much love to you. ~ Carolyn


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